
Of Confrontations and Playing At Peace (6/12/14)

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There was nothing quite like the thrill of a hunt to get Little Fire's blood going, nor anything like a successful hunt to make the antisocial young woman feel pride in herself. A rare thing, these days, to be sure. She had done her best to forget her current troubles, spending an enjoyable evening at her home with her cousin Orbweaver, reminding her of their closeness ever since they were little girls. Then, this early morning, Fire had gotten the idea to go deer hunting, taking Orb along with her. They had taken down quite the stag, and would later on be enjoying the meat from it. For now, Fire was taking a breather, a walk about the village. With the time away from Orb, Fire's thoughts could not help but wander, returning to what Orb had spoken to her of last night. Hatred burned in her heart for her cousin's husband. She wanted to see him punished for what he had done, and only wished she were strong enough to do it herself. Stopping by one of the unoccupied village fires, the second chief of Big Bear warmed herself by the flames. The morning was cool, yet.

Returning from a much needed bath, all the bodily fluids that had coated Twisted's body had dissappeared, leaving him with a fresh smell, and a clean mind. He was not in a good mood today, however. Orbweaver had made sure of that. Cranes cleared the way for Twisted Heart's walk, as he approached the fire where breakfast foods had been laid out for the warriors by the wives. His wife was nowhere to be seen. He reached for a thin piece of rabbits meat and tore a bite out of it with burning eyes as he stared into the fire. He looked up to see Little Fire, and narrowed his eyes, turning to head towards the warriors training area. Might as well pretend to care for the village's needs.

Fire heard a sound across from her, looking up to lock eyes with none other than Twisted Heart. Her eyes widened as rage surged in her blood. This bastard had harmed her cousin in the worst possible way. Perhaps she was letting her anger get the better of her again, but when the worm turned to leave, she quickly moved into his path. "You," she growled, not even sure what she was going to say to him, there was so much anger in her over what he had done. The light from the fire reflected in her eyes as she stared him down, though she was shorter. Height was no issue to her. "I know what you did, Worm," she hissed.

She did not say what he thought she did. He turned, and with a sickening cackle and gentle footsteps he kept a quiet anger. Those were the most frightening of all. He stared the shorter woman down, narrowing his eyes with deadly words. "If I were you little one, I'd watch my tongue. Your husband and I hold the power in this village." He smirked sickeningly, leaning towards her with a hissing breath." Your next." He stood tall once more, his hands clenched in fists ready to strike her. He turned to walk away once more, knowing most definitely Little Fire would retaliate and preparing to give her due punishment. Twisted enjoyed it far too much.

Fire snarled, taking one step after him, then standing her ground. "You are wrong. Orbweaver is in charge of this village, Worm. You are only here because Crying Bear placed you here. In Orbweaver's clan, the wife is in charge, fool. You would do well to remember this, the next time you dare to ponder laying violent hands upon my cousin!" she spat.

Twisted Heart stared back at her, seemingly unphased by her words. "I am here to watch this pathetic village and make sure they keep in line. I am keeping Orbweaver from getting you all killed. And you tell me she is in charge when you clearly know otherwise." He said in a deadly tone, low and clearly quietly angered. "You would do well to remember you have no upper hand. Crying Bear is in charge in your village, you are simply a possession and a pawn. This is all a game that you will not win, I suggest you stop trying." He stood a foot away from her, where she was definitely vulnerable to a blow.

Fire bristled. She hated to be reminded of the power Crying Bear held over them. "That may be so, but you are a pawn too," she stated, her lip curling in clear disgust. "Orbweaver has done all that Crying Bear has asked of her. Including marrying you, you piece of scum! She would not have otherwise given the likes of you the time of day. How dare you do what you did to her!"

"Oh believe me young one, I know that is the case. But dear one, do I look like the man who cares if he is loved?" He asked, walking in a half circle around her and arriving at the other side of her by the fire. "I may be a pawn, but I am an important one. If I was to be killed, this peace would not exist any more. If you were to be, then our warriors would simply attack yours if you were to attack. Our village has more power, and security.

Standing Crane will always be on its knees, as will Orbweaver." He glared her down, his jaw set as he spoke. He spoke truth. And he spoke with conviction, and with warning. If she spoke anymore against him, she was in more trouble than she could fight against.

"This peace is a lie," Fire hissed. "If I were to be killed, you know very well Orbweaver would not stand for it, so do do me a favor, and let us speak truthfully to each other on this. Crying Bear married me to control me, and to further control my cousin and her people, claiming it as a political maneuver. I am not the fool everyone seems to take me for. This so-called peace would shatter in an instant. Remember that, Worm," she growled.

Crying Bear watched, but not impassively. He’d been at the river a moment ago, as was evident from the water clinging to his dark, slick hair and still dribbling down his back. It was frigid, but there was little option in the winter, so he’d made it quick instead. He’d caught sight of his brother, Twisted Heart, as he finished his bath and left, but the man had apparently not seen him at the river. It mattered not. Crying Bear would seek him out soon enough. It had been long since he had seen the man, much less spoken to him, and he intended fully to share a meal with him today. There was much to discuss.

When he arrived at the village, it was to catch the words exchanged between his brother and his wife. Crying Bear remained in the shadows and watched, dark eyes glimmering. His wife was being disrespectful- again. He’d been right to want to keep her in Big Bear where she would stay out of trouble. Yet, here she was, in plain sight of the Standing Crane villagers, talking back to Twisted Heart with defiance.

It was obvious her impassioned little speech was reaching an audience, as several villagers had stopped to look at the pair. Some of the men and women of Standing Crane scowled, incited by her words. Others cowered, afraid of how Twisted Heart would react. They were helpless, but they were angry, and becoming more so each time Little Fire opened her mouth.

And Crying Bear? He could only wait so long...

Twisted would tolerate her insolence no longer. But his features appeared to calm, his muscles no longer tense and his expression became gentle, and for a moment, a feign appearance of sympathy crossed his eyes." Oh Little Fire, if you'd just have held your you are jeopardizing the peace..."He sighed, before looking downwards at her moccassins. He seemed dissappointed.

Then, in a flash of movement, he'd lifted his hand and with incredible force gave her a hard blow by the back of his hand, one that would sentence her to the ground.

His yes flashed with anger, every characteristic coming to life with a newfound anger.

"You will not speak against me any longer, you insolent girl."

The blow was unexpected, the force of it knocking Little Fire off her feet with a pained cry, causing her to fall and hit the ground. Gasping, she sat up, her hand coming up to cradle her right cheek, which stung from the hit. Her eyes shot to Twisted Heart's. There was anger there. And fear. Twisted Heart's expression bore that same dark look that Crying Bear's had whenever he was especially angry with her. But he had never hit her. She had provoked Twisted Heart into violence.

Cursing herself once again for her temper, she nevertheless continued to look upon him with scorn, suddenly becoming aware of the people who had stopped to look. 'And now the people can see what sort of a man leads them,' she thought bitterly, rubbing her cheek. Her heart pounding, angry, yet afraid to say anything for fear of him striking her again, she slowly stood, straightening as she stared him down again. She did not wish to be struck again, but she did not want to bow before this brute.

Air rushed into Crying Bear’s lungs as he surged from the shadows. Long, assured strides carried him closer to the pair by the fire. When the villagers noticed him, some had come to their feet, one had even reached for a weapon, fully intent on coming to Little Fire’s rescue. When Crying Bear appeared, however, the man moved his hand from the spear, staring at the Big Bear chief. Some of those who had stood, sank to the ground again, and turned their eyes. Crying Bear didn’t seem to notice them. His eyes were focused on Twisted Heart.

Fire was fighting with herself now. Twisted Heart showed no inclination that he was planning to back down, and she did not intend to, either. For either of them, both chiefs, backing down would surely be seen as a weakness. She was afraid to open her mouth and speak, for fear he would lash out and hit her again. But if she said nothing, was that also not letting him win?

Before she could decide either way what she was going to do, murmuring from the small crowd that had gathered and the sound of people moving had her turning her head, only for her eyes to widen in alarm as she saw her husband striding toward them. A new surge of fear lanced through her. What was he going to do to her?

Crying Bear stepped just past Little Fire, giving his wife a brief, dark look before extending his arm to Twisted Heart in greeting. He clasped the man by the upper arm. But, instead of releasing it, he gave a firm tug, bringing the two men’s shoulders together. “Brother,” the Big Bear chief said in a smooth, calm tone, speaking inches from the other man’s ear so no one else might hear him.  “Look around you…”

Twisted Heart's eyes flickered to his clasped arm, and let himself be tugged. He was skid dish about his movements, still pulsing with anger. But his jaw began to set.

This was it. The part where Bear told him his error. Always the leader not the follower.

He held his tongue, waiting for Bear to finish his thoughts. He was making a scene. A break of trust between him and the people. He already knew his scorning before it came.

Fire did not miss that dark look in her husband's eyes, letting her own turn to gaze upon the ground, her body even more tense than before as she anticipated punishment from Crying Bear. Would he strike her as well? What had she done? She hadn't intended for things to go this far, had she? All she had wanted was... some sort of justice for Orb. Yet from the start, her anger had taken the reins, and without a clear goal in mind or a way to get there even if she had one, she had let the rage loose, and been struck by Twisted Heart for it. And now her husband was there, and it appeared he was taking Twisted Heart's side. So much for her not looking weak.

But Crying Bear said nothing. Twisted Heart was passionate, but he was no fool. Surely he could see the looks of the villagers around him. Just as suddenly as they had come together, the men broke apart. The Big Bear chief wore an expression of satisfaction on his face. “Brother, we should share a meal,” he said, raising the warm tenor notes of his voice so it might be heard. The young chief even went so far as to flash a smile at his friend, and the tension appeared to have been forgotten. “Are you hungry?” This was a display, one made
for the benefit of the Standing Crane people around them. They would see clearly that Crying Bear supported his man, and stood behind him. It was as though the scene had never happened, as though Little Fire had never been corrected physically a moment before.

Twisted's expression did not change on account of the new note Crying Bear's conversation held. But rather, he followed the little show. "I am a bit famished, Brother." He admitted, lightening his expression. Crying Bear used many tactics, yes that was the difference between their leaderships and even lives. He waited for his Brother to finish his gesture, to ease the scene into a transition.

Crying Bear’s broad hand landed on one of Little Fire’s shoulders. He fully intended to bring his little wife along. The gesture could be misconstrued as affectionate, and that was the general idea, after all. But the young chief did not spare his wife a glance, instead leading her away towards the longhouse Orbweaver had build for the Big Bear warriors. That is where Crying Bear expected to share the meal. Twisted Heart, he knew, would follow.

He gestured to one of the Standing Crane women, and instructed her to have their noonday meal brought at once, and then he pushed Little Fire ahead of him into the Longhouse.

Little Fire flinched as Crying Bear's heavy hand suddenly clasped her shoulder. Oh, she knew what he was doing now, and there was no way she could get out of it. Not without making another scene and being hit again. Left with little choice, the tense young woman went along with her husband, almost stumbling when he pushed her inside. Biting her lip, she quickly sat down, hoping that both men would keep their distance from her.

Twisted Heart followed with glances to either side of him at the warriors that, although scattered, held a measure of pressure on him. Bear had managed to right him with three little words. Damn his smoothness. He sat down besides Crying Bear, waiting before he ate. He really was only peckish.

Crying Bear obliged Little Fire’s silent hopes by sitting across from her instead, though he allowed his brother to sit at his side. It was poetic, as they were two against one. The implication could not have been more clear: Twisted Heart and Crying Bear were a united front, from their mohawks to the shining bear paw tattoos engraved on their flesh. These men were not gentle. They were hard and brittle. They were conquerors, forged for the very purpose of murder, violence and subjugation.

The longhouse was empty save for them, as most of the Big Bear warriors were busy on the fields, practicing for the Medicine Game. It was Crying Bear who first spoke.

“If my wife disrespects you again, my brother, she must be punished.” He said the words, watching Little Fire through the flame and allowing them to fade before speaking again. “But take care, my brother, as she may already carry my child in her womb. In the future, I trust you will bring her to me so that I may personally deal with her indiscretions.”

Fire's eyes shot to Bear's in surprise. She what? She wasn't carrying his- Biting her lip again to keep her mouth shut, she looked at her lap, realizing he'd given her a means to keep Twisted Heart from striking her again. It was little comfort, as he was still siding with the brute. Refraining from shooting them both an ugly look, she said nothing, instead fiddling with the fringe on the sleeve of her dress.

Twisted Heart kept a set jaw, before tossing a small piece of meat into his mouth and swallowing before he spoke. The words his Brother spoke were taken to heart.

"Yes, my Brother."

So she was with child, so Orbweaver would be. Unless that was an excuse. Fire did not seem to be tame enough to have already been bedded. He carried disbelief, but nevertheless he acquiesced. His eyes flickered to Fire's, but before anything could be exchanged, he resumed his gaze on the fire.

The food was laid before them, but Crying Bear did not partake, instead, he threaded his fingers together, allowing them to hang slack between his knees as he leaned on his elbows. “We will return to Big Bear tomorrow,” he announced to Twisted Heart, turning his head only slightly to glance at his brother out of the corner of his eyes. “You have been missed, Twisted Heart. I hope your wife has not given you as much trouble as mine.” The dark brows drew together as he smiled. He knew full well Twisted Heart shared a situation in common with him. They both had unwilling wives. Though Twisted Heart had the added burden of an entire village against him. The man would have to play it smart. Brute force alone would not ensure his success.

Fire's heart clenched in her chest. They were leaving tomorrow? Her thoughts went to Orb. She would need to find her as soon as she could. To tell her to stay strong. To tell her goodbye. Who knew when they would next see each other? She fought the twinge of residual anger that flared when Crying Bear spoke of Orb being troublesome to Twisted Heart. As if she had asked for this marriage and asked to be forced to...

Squeezing her eyes shut, she fought down her ire and took a deep breath. These men wanted to play at peace. Perhaps it would do her well to do so for now. She remembered what Orb had told her. To control her temper, bide her time, be smarter than her enemies. She had to try. Even if they didn't buy it, she had to make the effort.

"Forgive me, Crying Bear," she murmured softly. Hopefully this would play into his little peace game, as well as reduce her risk of being hit again. She knew Crying Bear would not fear to do it. She and he both knew very well that there was no way she could be pregnant. "I was upset, and angry. I did not mean to make a scene, husband." That part was at least true. She had not intended to make a scene, she had been angry on her cousin's behalf.

Crying Bear was drinking when she spoke, and watched her over the rim of the clay cup pressed to his lips. When she had finished, he put it aside and rose smoothly to his feet.

“You put your cousin’s people in danger, Little Fire,” he said, stepping in her direction, “when you disrespect their chief in front of them. I am not owed an apology here,” He glanced from Little Fire to Twisted Heart, and spoke again, nodding to the man across the way, “but
Chief Twisted Heart deserves it..”

He wanted to smirk. Oh, the tendrils of desire fleeted about him, buy Twisted Heart looked about Little Fire with a neutral gaze. He did not reply to Crying Bear's comments on wives and his home village. Now all he could focus on was the Chieftain relenting. That would satisfy at least a little of his till steady frustration with her.

This irked Little Fire beyond measure, and she was certain both men knew it. To have to apologize to her cousin's husband for being angry that he had taken advantage of her... It felt wrong. It was wrong. But in order to soothe everyone's ruffled feathers for the time being, she would have to do it, though the idea of it sickened her.

"Yes, husband, you are right," she murmured, looking demurely to Twisted Heart. "My apologies, Twisted Heart. Cousin." The word was vile on her tongue as she spoke it, but she forced herself to remain impassive as she observed the two men.

Crying Bear nodded to his wife, then raised a brow in Twisted Heart’s direction. Was the man satisfied, then?

Twisted Heart kept his arms remained crossed over his chest, feeling his own breathes heave against them." I accept your apology, Little Fire."

Outwardly, he seemed to be sincere and satisfied but know one would know whether that was true or not. Accept himself. But wait, did he have to apologize now? He felt like a child remaining angered with the woman, and having hit her so. But now he was doing the adult thing.

Crying Bear did not appear to think the man needed to apologize at all, and stepped past his wife on his way out the exit “Very well,” he said, without looking at either of them. Near the door, his stick awaited, and he took it in hand, turning it in his hand “I believe I am needed on the game field this afternoon. If you will both excuse me…” and made to push past the heavy pelt and step into the chilled afternoon air.

Little Fire exhaled, very glad that was over with, though there was still a sick feeling inside of her for having to apologize to the worm that was her cousin's husband. She was of course displeased that neither man seemed to care about what had happened to Orb, but she wasn't surprised over it. These Big Bear men were all lying, vicious brutes. She stood as Crying Bear left and spared a nod for Twisted Heart before departing herself, reaching a hand up to cup her cheek, which still stung. Like her pride.
Little Fire angrily confronts Twisted Heart for hurting his wife, her cousin Orbweaver, but the situation quickly gets out of hand, requiring intervention from a third party.

Little Fire belongs to :iconanimefan4eternity23:.
Twisted Heart belongs to :iconx-mirrors-x:.
Crying Bear belongs to :iconyamipea:.
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